Thursday, April 12, 2007

fly-by post.

I have turned the heel (and done most of the foot) of the first Bacteriophage sock. Once I get the toe-striping done, I'll put up a picture.

And another, unrelated thought:

sometimes, I think maybe Jesus meant to say "Blessed are the peacemakers....for they have to put up with So. Much. Crap." I can't really elaborate on the situation here, but it's something I'm really not happy about, and it's one of those situations where I walk away going, "Why am I the only "grown up" here, when, chronologically speaking, I'm the least "grown-up" one involved?" People frustrate me.


Anonymous said...

You know, when I first read this post, I read the phrase "toe-striping" as "toe-stripping" and thought, damn, that's some fierce bacteria-virus!

dragon knitter said...

thanks for the comment on my blog. and you're right, why is it i'm more grown up than someone who is old enough to be my mother?

(and i said i'd never grow up! oy!)