Monday, April 30, 2007

Bess is talking about knitting lace.

Coincidentally, this weekend I picked the Song of Hiawatha shawl back up and began (again) on the edging. I'm up to about 1/3 of the last side's edge done.

I hope I finally have the motivation to complete this.
I DO enjoy knitting lace. But it often takes me a while to get into the swing of it. Like many things in my life ("How you do anything is how you do everything," yet again), there's the issue of overcoming the initial inertia: the sense of "I'm tired." Or "I made a mistake last time and had to rip back." Or even, I've noticed lately: "But it won't make good blogfodder; people only like to read when there's something finished or something new - they don't want to hear, 'I knit three inches of the same edging I've been working on for six weeks.'"

I can complete one repeat (16 rows) in about 10-15 minutes once I get going on it. That covers perhaps an inch and a quarter of distance. But the stole is about 100" long - so you do the math. This takes a while.

I do want to finish it though; I'm looking at the other "shawl yarn" I have in my stash. Not sure which I want to start first - the "Bird's Nest" shawl from Folk Shawls, or the "Eliza Bennet" lace shawl (that will be done using a rather anachronistic yarn - Cherry Tree Hill's Super Glitz, which has sparkly bits in it), or maybe the Spirit of the Southwest shawl. Or the Landscape Shawl, which I've had Koigu in the stash for for like 3 years now? (Except I can't immediately find my copy of the Landscape Shawl pattern).

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