Well, I present to you:

Intersweater snorgling!
I noticed yesterday afternoon that Kenobi and the Greek pullover had wound up all curled up on my coffee table.
Do you think if I left them alone for a while, they'd give birth to a pair of mittens for me?
(There was also a most excellent case of inTRAspecies snorgling on Cute Overload the other day: lovebirds (for the commentary, go to CO! and scroll down to March 8. Their permalinks are hosed so the only way I can make a direct link is to the picture itself).
You know how when some little thing is bothering you, and you take care of it, you feel a lot better?
I felt like my sock mojo was messed up because of the dropped stitch on the Magic sock. In fact, the last time I was working on the Feather and Fan socks, I found a knot in the ball, and had to cut the yarn and join - and I messed up the join.
So I figured to get my sock mojo back, I had to fix - for reals, not with just some crappy woven-in solution - the dropped stitch in the Magic sock.
So I ripped back the messed up Magic sock last night - this was the one where I had dropped a stitch aboout 3" down, not noticed it, and the rest of the sock was knit too tightly for me to do the ladder-up thing with a crochet hook. So I just ripped it back, and now I feel like things are working better. (I also fixed the problem with the join on the Feather and Fan socks, but that was just a few rows down so I could easily drop back and fix it.
And it's the weekend. Thank goodness. This past week has sucked dirty ditchwater.
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