Friday, February 09, 2007

I made one tiny change - because New Blogger seems to be making people log-in before they can comment. I've decided to at least temporarily allow anonymous comments; this will probably do away with the problems that non-blogger people have in commenting.

Word verification should still be on though.

I'll have to discontinue this if I start getting lots of comment spam (probably unlikely with word verification) or if I get lots of anonymous "drive-by" mean, obscene, or wildly off-topic comments. (This is MY party, so I get to decide what goes. If you're a regular commenter, the off-topic thing really does not apply to you. What I'm talking about is people who come in, drop off a URL, and leave.)


Anonymous said...

This is fillyjonk, trying an anonymous comment...

Anonymous said...

I'm a longtime lurker. This does make it easier to comment. Congrats on the changeover. Where do you send the Dulaan stuff when it's done?