Added another crafty (largely soft toy dominated) site to the sidebar, little birds.
I'm doing some research right now where it's do something, wait five minutes for the computer to process, do another thing. So I'm surfing craftblogs right now.
Makes me want to do a variety of things, I don't know if this is all a delayed reaction from my bad week last week but I find myself wanting to cocoon up and:
put on Christmas music and start decorating my house (I know, it's too early, and it's supposed to be like 84* tomorrow, yuck.)
dig around in my big box of garment-scrap fabric (as opposed to quilting fabric) and figure out fun things to do with it. (I was given a whole bunch of lovely scraps by a woman who made dressmaker-quality clothes for herself. I have some fantastic wool-silk blend, and a small piece of fake caracul, and lots of nice tweeds. Everything's in small bits so it would have to be used in small projects. I made some clothes for my Gene doll out of bits of it and planned to do more...but somehow, I lost interest in that project.)
get out my big Joan Russell book of soft toys and make a bunch of soft toys (maybe using the fabric scrap). Maybe even design my own toys.
make a bunch of amigurumi and keep them in a basket by the door and just randomly give one to anyone who comes by my house in December. ("Happy holidays! Have an unrealistically cute stuffed toy animal!")
make tree ornaments
go "thrifting" or antiquing, especially to look for old Christmas decorations
hang sparkly things from every possible location
enter swaps where I make stuff and send it to someone who then makes me stuff
go through my fabric and yarn collections and reorganize them and find new projects for some of the stuff I'm not using
knit bunches of hats and mittens to go in the Dulaan box
bake cookies
sit and drink tea and read some kind of happy book curled up in my nice big chair in my (now) nice clean living room.
How about making some bags? Tweed bags sound good to me.
if it's any consolation, i've been on a hat kick, and have finished 2 hats for dulaan, and have cast on another one. that makes 4 so far
For some reason I've been feeling super Christmassy lately too. I've been working on cards, which is a good early project since addresses won't change, but mostly I want to make 10 kinds of cookies. I'll try to hold out for another few weeks.
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