Thursday, June 22, 2006 is extremely easy, and it seems like I should be able to upload quite a bit per month. (Not sure how the bandwidth thing works yet, whether it's based on uploads or views. But I might even spring for the upgrade).

I like being able to take a whole bunch of pictures and just dump them on Flickr. I might do a set called "my town" showing off some of the pretty/interesting/weird features of the place I live. Or if I do go to Chickasaw NRA sometime soon, I might take a bunch of pictures there and pop them on flickr, and just link there from here, so that people with fast connections (and the interest) can see them, and everyone else doesn't have to wait for them to download.

I think I might start off transferring a lot of the pictures that I already have over there - I like being able to make a "set" of, say, socks I've knitted and then share that set with others.

1 comment:

TChem said...

It's based on uploads.

I use it as my "in between" place, since I have the camera software at home and nice photoshop tools at work. So I load things up onto Flickr from home, then make them blog-ready and upload them at work. It's pretty fun to play around with, too.

(Also, I've always been afraid of the paper slicey-dicey thing. I'm glad you escaped from it with your thumb reasonably intact.)