Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Well, in a few minutes, I'm going to go home and just suck up the fact that I will no longer know how far I'm going on the cross-country ski simulator. And I'm going to teach myself that no matter how slowly it claims I'm going, if I'm going fast enough to work a sweat and get out of breath, I'm going fast enough.

And then I'm going to suck it up more and eat a salad and some of the blueberries I still have in the fridge. I might also fix a bagel and cream cheese; that will probably make me feel better.

(A lot of times when I whine about stuff it's kind of like just shaking out a muscle cramp. By working it out I can kind of get rid of it.)

One thing I should consider doing is finding an old music stand somewhere and setting it up in such a way that I can read while I work out. The radio gets boring and even some times music isn't the funnest thing to do while working out.

I think the fact that it's so hot here, and the promised rain's not forthcoming, and I have to deal with the Bobo I talked about over a month ago on Friday (I hope his vacation mellowed him a little) are getting me down. I'm a good "dreader." I'm good at looking forward to with the reverse of anticipation, things I don't want to do. (And I have a dentist appointment on Tuesday...and I'm over due for it, forgot to go in and get checked in January).'s been a while since I bought yarn, but I've bought some recently. A few skeins of the nice cheap Elann highland wool to make a "Squarey" (I needed a couple needles, they had the best deal on them, and they had the colors I wanted so...)

I also placed a big order today - for a long, long time I've wanted to make Rosedale from Knitty. But I never could find the color of Kureyon I wanted at a price I was willing to pay. Well, Carodan Farm is having a sale on Kureyon right now (until Monday) - $2 off a ball - which is enough to keep it under my "No sweater yarn over $100" barrier. And I got free shipping because it was over $50.

And they had one of the colors I liked* in stock (153 - it's mostly blues and purples)

So sometime I will make Rosedale. (I really do need to finish Samus, and now the Hourglass sweater first. And Hiawatha.)

(*Another thing about me - I can be pretty flexible about yarn color. If the most-wanted color isn't available (for this one, 166. I would have loved 166), but I want the yarn, I'll just pick another. I won't wait for a restock, I won't say, well, maybe I shouldn't spend my money right now).

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