Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Well, Blogger is down for maintenance as I’m writing this, so it’s saved in Word and posted later…whenever….when Blogger’s back.


Anyway, here are a couple of shots of the sock I’m most in-love with at the moment.

It’s Opal Rosehip (a/k/a Hagebutte), knitted with a cable-and-rib pattern from Interweave Knits Spring ’05.

It’s a little tricky putting on a sock-in-progress, but I did it.


And here’s the Extreme Closeup Version, showing the cables in all their glory.
I (heart) cables.

I also busted through a bit of a stuck-place on a research-paper rewrite this afternoon. (Basically, it took finding a sort-of obscure resource). I also have LOTS of work to do on the figures for it, but I’ve put that off ‘til Friday, which is the day I don’t teach. Working on figures is NOT my favorite thing to do; it’s fiddly and involves working on my (slow) old computer, and transporting files between several different programs. So I’ve decided it’s better to just batch all the work and spend one day grumbling and gnashing my teeth, than to try and work on it an hour at a time* and have lots of days of grumbling and gnashing my teeth.

(*especially not after being tired from teaching and teaching-prep for the next day.)

Added, later in the evening:

Well, I went to the party thing. It was probably a good thing, as I was the ONLY one of the dozen or so invitees who showed up. (I mean, those “selling parties” are gruesome, but this woman IS a friend).

I did get to try some stuff out. And I got a free thing of foot lotion. (And I did order two small things: a sea salt scrub – theirs was as inexpensive and nice as what I’d been buying at Bath and Body Works – and an “oil absorbing powder” (we will see if it works) to go on under the makeup.)

I will say – the “firming cream” they had me try on half my face – and then they exclaimed over the “big difference” – well, I simply could not see it.

One of the women from the company exclaimed over my “good skin” which may or may not have been softsoap – right now I’m all broken out from the humidity.

At least it wasn’t the same hard sell that some of those things are. And at least I was able to graciously deflect some of the suggestions by pleading allergies (I do not and will not take herbal supplements because of my hay fever.)

1 comment:

Lydia said...

The sock is really pretty.

I hope that the paper-working time tomorrow goes well.