Monday, June 05, 2006

Two accomplishments:

First, the successful corner turn on Hiawatha:


And second, my first-ever successful working of a Sudoku.


(yes, it is a "one-star" easy Sudoku. But before this one, I wasn't totally twigged to the idea that each minibox - as well as each row and column - needed a complete set of the numbers. It finally clicked for me on this one. I will say, in my defense, that it took me less than 10 minutes to figure it out.)

(I had a relative ask me about Sudoku over my vacation - she made some comment about that with my logical mind, I should enjoy them. I said I had never successfully completed one and she was somewhat aghast. I suppose I could have been all superior and said I used my mind for other things, but really, it was because I just never "got" it before.)

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