Saturday, June 17, 2006

A few disjointed things:

Hourglass, she is growing!


I added an inch or so today while reading the statistics book chapters I am reviewing. I still love the yarn and love the color. And the pattern's not bad, either - good reading knitting because it's just round and round, broken by an occasional decrease or increase round.

And here's the "fugly or snuggly?" green scarf. It's made of Yarn Bee "Artistry," color "Matisse" (I wonder if it was just a randomly assigned name or if it relates to one of his artworks?) I totally go back and forth on this scarf - one minute I think, ugh, I should just rip it back and get rid of it, and the next, I think, oh, it's not so bad. And it's kind of funky. And it's green.


So, readers: fugly or snuggly? Or kinda both, and it's okay if it's ugly because it's a warm scarf?

On the non-knitting front, I got all excited this evening because my Asian tv boyfriend Bob Stokes (look, he has his own webpage!) mentioned Lake Texoma, which is about a dozen miles west of where I live. (We are supposed to get severe storms tonight). I do not know exactly why I like ol' Bob, but I just do*. And I see it says he's spent a number of years in Arkansas. I always thought I detected a bit of a southern drawl. (I was thinking "Texas, but he's trying to cover it up" when I heard him, but Arkansas is pretty close).

(*I have longtime had a "thing" for Asian men. That could be part of it. [then again, I also have a "thing" for Italian-American men and I don't go nuts over Jim Cantore.])

Also on the non-knitting front, I've decided to make one little change in the diet new eating plan thing. I'm going to assess how I feel each week, either on Saturday or Sunday, and decide if I feel like I want some kind of a treat. And then I'm going to think carefully about exactly what I want, and if it involves going OUT somewhere to get it, fine. (No digging for that bag of old chocolate chips I know is in the back of the cupboard, just because I want a chocolate treat).

So if I wanted potato chips, I'd go out somewhere and buy a small bag and eat it. Or if I wanted something fried, I'd go to Long John Silver's or somewhere and get the smallest serving of fried thing on the menu. Or if I wanted chocolate, and had no good chocolate in the house, I'd go out and buy a small amount. (Except I always keep good chocolate in the house. Medicinal purposes, you know.)

I had been thinking all day today about how some kind of frozen-dairy thing would taste good. And then I got to thinking about Braum's chocolate frozen yogurt, and how it's good. So I went to Braum's and got a small cone of it. And it was good. And maybe, just maybe, a side effect of eating fewer sweets is that I will enjoy the occasional indulgences more than I otherwise would. One can only hope.

I SAID it was going to be disjointed things, didn't I?


TChem said...

I like the pseudo-plaid thing the scarf has going on. It's the sort of thing that people will think is intentional and be impressed by.

Unknown said...

i also like the patterning of the scarf. but i am a sucker for anything green, so maybe my vote should only count for half ... ;)