Friday, April 07, 2006

"Old Knitted Stuff"

These are posted partly for TChem. She made a neat scarf using the "other half" of this yarn. (I bought two skeins, only used one, the remaining one was part of her 'prize' from the blogiversary contest).

I bought this yarn ("Socknitter's Rainbow") when it first came out, I think it 2000. I had seen some other knitters' socks made out of it, and I didn't like the way the yarn pooled and flashed when it was knit alone (it came out looking very muddy). So I thought about it for a while and decided to knit it with another yarn:


It's Lorna's Laces "charcoal." I used a simple slip-stitch pattern: knit either 2 or 3 rows (I forget which, I think it was 3) of one color, then pick up the other color and in the next row, knit 1, slip one of the old color. Then, on the next color-change, stagger what stitch you slip so the pattern shifts just a little.

One thing I noticed is that the "red" in these looks very "magenta" to me. In fact, that seems to be the dominant color of the socks once they were knit up.

I only used one skein of the yarn for these socks, and never quite knew what to do with the other one. So I passed it on and am happy to see it's found its calling as a scarf.

Here's a close-up:


Standard disclaimer: I know the pictures are a little dark but my camera's flash washes everything out. And also, the pictures always look brighter on the camera's screen to me than they do when I get them on the computer. Oh well.

1 comment:

TChem said...

Neat! I did the same thing right after I got the skein, looked around at some other blogger's versions, and I was so sad to see those great bright colors not look like much of anything. That slip stitch pattern does a good job of preserving what makes you go "ooh!" when you pick up a skein.