Friday, January 27, 2006

Wow, I am just totally feelin' the love from everyone who sent Blogiversary wishes or who entered the contest. I may not get 102 comments a day, like some bloggers I know, but the comments I get are good. Thank you all.

You're not entirely why I keep on nattering here, but you're part of it.

Barring any last-minute contest entries, I've kind of decided who the winners are. And I think there's going to be a Winner, a First-Runner-Up (non pageant speak: second prize) and a Ms. Congeniality (non pageant speak: Honorable Mention).

yes, that's one more prize than I originally set out to offer, but hey, it's my contest.

1 comment:

Diann Lippman said...

Congratulations on 4 years in blog-land! That makes you practically a dinosaur in this technology.

I wanted to enter your contest, but I don't know any jokes -- I laugh at the ones from other people.