Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Just a quick note - I am not home yet; I have a little more time on the computer right now (I'm using my dad's and he's off at an appointment).

Christmas was good. I received a great many books. And it is quite amusing what I received; it would be a good indicator of my personality to stack up the titles:

Nancy Bush's new sock book (Autographed!)
the new Knitting Experience (Sally Melville) book
A book on dating vintage fabrics from the second half of the 20th century
the new biography of C. S. Lewis ("The Narnian") and also a book on his spiritual development.
Three books on prairie restoration
A book of traditional Scandinavian-American recipes (I am not Scandinavian but can play one in my cooking)
Two books by E. O. Wilson - "Naturalist" and another one about the future of nature. Those are autographed - Wilson came to speak at one of the universities near my parents this fall and they bought a couple copies of his most recent books and got them autographed for me. (I have a small collection of autographed books; many of them are by people my father knows or has encountered at meetings).

No novels, but that's because I didn't specifically ask for any and my parents know that I have so many, buying one for me would likely replicate one I already had.

I will have to send most of those back to me (Not the autographed books; I don't trust the postal service or UPS quite that much).

I'm getting a fair amount of knitting done; I'm about 2/3 of the way of the first sleeve on the Fibonacci sweater.

I return home starting Friday night. I'm hoping everything is okay; I've been watching the news about the fires in Oklahoma and Texas with some concern. I'm expecting there will be at least a few students who were in those towns where almost every house was burnt. It's a terrible thing and until we get at least a week of good soaking rain, the fires will likely continue.

1 comment:

dragon knitter said...

so i'm assuming that means that your house is safe? i hope so. sounds like you've been having a good vacation. enjoy the last few days