Sunday, January 08, 2006

"God bless you, Mrs. Simpson, wherever you are"*

From tonight's episode: "What the Hell-o Kitty?!?"

BWAH hahahahahaha. I am TOTALLY using that line. I laughed out loud - really loud - sitting there all alone on my living room floor. (It's funny what makes me laugh. Lots of things that have other people rolling in the aisles fail to move me, but some stupid little throwaway line just makes me howl)

(* Fifty bonus points to anyone who knows the inspiration of this line. However, it may have actually started off as "Goodnight...." although I first remembered it as "God bless you..." And anyway, the way I have it is more appropriate for my comment)


Lydia said...

I really liked that "What the-' line too.

I'm sorry to hear about the guy on the train. I'm glad that you didn't have to have a second meal with him.

It's so nice to have you back! The time with your parents sounds as if it was lovely; I'm glad that you got to have the time to unwind.

Anonymous said...

I think it's "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater" by Kurt Vonnegut?

Diann Lippman said...

I'll jump in. I think it's a derivative of "Good night, Mrs. Calabash, where ever you are" that Groucho Marx ended his shows with for years (I've heard it on radio and seen it on tapes of very old TV shows).

Welcome back!

dragon knitter said...

"good night, mrs. calabash" by jimmy durante (ach cha cha). and i knew that BEFORE i read your post, lol. i'm not THAT much older than you (the big one is sneaking up on me this year, sigh), but i grew up with depression era parents, so that may be why i know (then again, my parents were deaf, so who knows?) glad you're back, and that you had a good time.