Monday, January 09, 2006

Diann: right quotation, wrong comedian.

Jimmy Durante.

I do not know how I know that; his show had gone off the air well before I was conscious of such a thing as television. (Perhaps in my early years they were re-run on PBS or somewhere and I saw them without remembering them).

You know how some people claim to have "gay-dar"? I always think I have "nice-dar" and every time I see him in a movie or something, I get the feeling that he was a nice person, a kind hearted person with a good sense of humor - not someone inclined to get angry at people or assert his "do you know who I am?" in public.

I could be wrong on that. But there are just some people, when I see a picture or film of them, I think "that must be a nice person." I can't explain why.

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