I'm mostly packed - I laid out the clothes I was taking and rolled them up in the suitcase. Put in the couple of fruitcakes I'm taking, plus a few last-minute Target-dollar-aisle silly things purchased to go in stockings. Tossed in the yarn and needles and pattern for Bloom, and now am contemplating the "carry on" bag - whether or not I will be able to fit the Fibonacci sweater along with other things I need to put in there (I've decided not to take the Hiawatha shawl; I carried it with me on two other trips and did no knitting on it, I think it's a better "when you are alone and it is quiet" project). And books. Must decide which books to take. I've re-re-started Trollope's "The American Senator." I got maybe 50 or 60 pages in the last time, then got busy, then forgot who was a Masters and who was a Morton and gave up.
This is my little tree; I will leave it up until I return in January as I don't have the heart to take it down BEFORE Christmas
So at any rate: Choose one (or more, I don't care) from column A, and one from Column B:
Column A
Column B
Merry Christmas
Happy Chanukah
Joyous Solstice
Merry Kwanzaa
Good Yule
Happy New Year
Blessed Epiphany -or-
Joyous 'Old' Christmas.
(Diwali and Eid are already done with; if you celebrate those I hope they were happy)
Your tree is so cute! Of course you can leave it up until January 6, "Old Christmas."
Have a wonderful holiday, a good trip, a very merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
what are diwali and eid? i see the post office actually has eid stamps, but have no clue what it is, lol. have a good trip, will miss you around here
Books are always such an important part of packing.
The tree is very cute.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
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