An all-but-finished object of a different sort:
just got an e-mail from the editor of the journal I had submitted (and revised) my dissertation research to.
They are going to publish it.
Normally that would rate at least a "Whoo-hoo!" but I guess I'm really tired and a little shell-shocked from the semester.
I would be more ecstatic but there are still more stylistic type changes. I am not good at (nor do I like) that kind of detail work. (for the knitters: think of it as doing a whole big picture on the front of a sweater in Swiss darning, in six different colors. Tedious, fiddly, and you have to pay tremendous attention to make sure you're not doing something one place that adversely affects another place). Also, I think it's not quite sunk in yet that this 6 year long journey (from June 1999 when I sat down a couple days after receiving my Ph.D. and started writing the thing up for publication, up through two journals' rejection of it (one after the former editor told me "revise it and resubmit and we'll probably publish it" - but then he retired), the back-and-forth with the current journal, until now) is almost at its end.
I will say the editor commented, "It should be a nice contribution to the journal."
I wish I weren't so tired (and pulled in fifteen different directions about what I need to do now, and next week, and the following week) that I could enjoy that more.
Wow! Congratulations!
This deserves at least a big WooHoo, if not some good dark chocolate.
Congratulations! What a great way to end the semester. Also, it must be a relief, too, after 6 years of thinking about/working on it.
Congratulations! That's wonderful!
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