To prove to myself (as well as to you) that I am actually getting SOME knitting accomplished, here are a couple of progress shots:
The Prairie shawl being made of the Joann's inexpensive "Rainbow Boucle." This is good "comfort knitting" because it does not take much thought to do - the only shaping is to do a yarn over on each side of the piece every other row.
I'm going to make this really big - I have lots of the yarn - so I have a nice big shawl to wrap up in. Even if it gets so big that it would look ridiculous worn out of the house.
And this is the slowly-growing Fibonacci. I'm still enjoying knitting on it, it's just that it's getting to the point where it takes a reaaaaalllly loooooong tiiiiiime to do a single row because of all the sts that have been added for the shoulders/sleeves.
And this:
Is a yarn cheesecake picture. (I like that term better than the alternate - yarn pr0n - the term "cheesecake picture" doesn't make me feel vaguely ill). It's the Noro Blossom, which was probably sitting in a Priority Mail box on my porch, waiting for me, as I was typing the entry yesterday afternoon about waiting impatiently for it.
Very nice! Blossom is SO soft. I'm dying to see it knitted up.
I like the big green shawl. It looks so cozy.
I've actually found that a couple of knitting blogs are blocked from school computers, and I wonder if it's because of that alternate term.
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