Monday, November 07, 2005

Sorry, folks, but "Roberto" pushed me over the edge.

Comments now require word-verification, and I'm also going to moderate comments.

Roberto - I'm sorry that (as far as I can determine; I don't really speak Spanish) that Google does not index the blogs written in Spanish well, but as I am not Google, I cannot do anything about it, and so, why pick my blog to gripe on?

So anyway - I'm sorry, regular commenters. I may remove the word-verification feature eventually (I'm not sure that moderation AND word verification are both necessary, maybe just moderation is), but that's the way it's gotta be. Evolutionary arms race and all that. (Those who have had ecology - or at least, those who had MY ecology class - would get that joke.)

As for knitting - not much. I drove to Oklahoma City and back and didn't die, and that was the main accomplishment of the weekend. I finished the first of the Disco socks for my mom. And I gave a pint of blood.


fillyjonk said...

I'm just testing this feature to see what happens.

dragon knitter said...

i don't blame you in the slightest, lady. i started the word verification when i got SIX comments on one post that were spam. ugh. of course, now i have a lurker who is not there to my benefit (think ex-husband, sigh), so now i'm not allowing anonymous comments either. i hate being so insular.