Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I'm going to complain a little. No, I'm going to whine a little.

I. Can. Not. BREATHE.

It is supposed to be 86* here today. 86* the second week in November. That is wrong. That is just wrong. (And no, don't give me the whole global-warming spiel. I already deal with that from a colleague. Look, it had already begun before I even made the scene, and look, I drive my car as little as humanly possible. So don't try to make me feel guilty for running the a/c so I don't suffocate on my own lung-secretions. Sometimes I just want to gripe without it being turned into a political issue, thankyouverymuch.).

I'm wearing a dress I last wore in AUGUST for goodness' sake. And it's like 88% humidity here. It's like trying to breathe soup. And it hasn't rained in, like, forever. I'm starting to worry if my pecan tree is going to make it - the pecan tree that shades my house so I don't have to run the a/c as much.

The only bright spot is they apparently turned off the heat in my building - so although there's absolutely no air circulation, and this spooky dead-air sound, at least we're not being slowly broiled.

it MIGHT rain on Saturday. I don't know if I can make it until then.

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