Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Today was Algae Day in one of my classes.

So, to make it a bit more interesting, I bought some nori (seaweed used to wrap sushi; who knew the Wal-mart carried it?).

I also figured I needed something to kill the taste afterwards (sorry, folks of Japanese descent, but I think nori is something you have to grow up with to like). Carrageenan is a compound that's extracted from seaweed (namely, a red algae). Carrageenan is used in many dairy products to make them creamier.

Thus, I bought a couple boxes of mini ice cream sandwiches.

I was actually pleased at the willingness with which the students tried the nori. (I really do not care for its flavor myself), and they were happy to get the ice cream.

I overbought though. I have 30 students enrolled, the sandwiches come in boxes of 24, so I bought two. Exactly 24 students showed.

So I put the rest in the departmental breakroom freezer with a sign on that says "please eat" (that is partly because someone else brought in a cake for a party she's going to after school, and put a big sign on it saying "do not eat!" She knows us pretty well...)

and the Knitty surprises are up. I think this is very cool, if I was closely related to a thespian or an anatomist, I'd make one for them.

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