Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Started Fibonacci last night. I'm up (or rather, down, as it's a top-down sweater) past the collar shaping. (And Alexandra - I still had the corrections you e-mailed me back in January). Yay! I love the Araucania Nature Wool - the slight ombre effect to it makes the knit fabric interesting, and it's a nice, "rustic" or "real" feeling wool - a little bit rough but not scratchy.

I'm using the colors specified except I am using a paler yellow than the gold in the pattern - the shop I bought the wool from didn't have the gold color but did have yellow. I think it will work just fine.

I've figured out my plans for the break. Tomorrow evening is Book Club ("first rule of Book Club is you don't talk about Book Club..."), so I've decided to postpone my trip until Friday. Tomorrow, I can come in here and work relatively unmolested and probably get the couple of exams I need to write written. And I'm also contemplating using tomorrow afternoon to make a stab at finishing the quilt that I've had sitting on my sewing machine for numerous months now - the idea being, if I have it finished by Saturday, I can run it down to the quilting place and get it quilted.

That will also give me the chance to post some pictures tomorrow as well.

Also: going back to that meme I did a couple days ago? I thought of another thing I say A LOT.

I say "Excellent!" a lot. Now, I must explain a little, because you can't "hear" my inflection when I type. I say "Excellent!" in the way that Wayne and Garth say it most of the time (it is shorthand for "This situation is greatly pleasing to me"). Once in a while I will say it in the Mr. Burns mode (shorthand for: "My evil plan is coming together nicely."), but that's only usually when I'm trying to make one of my colleagues laugh.

I said it last night when I found my copy of the Fibonacci pattern, Alexandra's corrections to it, the yarn, and the needle I needed all within a couple moments of looking. (And in that case, it was a most Wayne-like "Excellent!")

Party on, dudes.

1 comment:

dragon knitter said...

air guitar!