Friday, October 28, 2005

New rule tomorrow (it's from #3)

Because I am fond of making rules for myself, here is one:

I will budget 1 to 1 1/2 hours every day (except Wednesdays, in which I don't have an hour to myself, and except Sundays, because I need a day of rest) and devote that to working on either data entry (I've got a backlog of data), journal article perusal, project-plan writing, or other research related stuff.

If that hour to hour and a half can be carved out while I'm sitting in my office doing office hours that few folks ever come to, then I do not necessarily need to work at night. If I slack at work, then I work on research in the evening.

This will probably mean less frivol-blogging, and will certainly mean less blogsurfing. But I think it will help keep me saner and keep from having meltdowns of the "oh my gosh that person published three articles last year and I published only one" variety.

(My inner critic is already saying: We'll see how long THIS lasts.)

1 comment:

Bess said...

I love that sort of rule. It's so hopeful!