I took some more pictures after getting into the full getup (nailpolish and hairspray in addition to everything else) Saturday night:
"Call me Raven. NO, I said, 'call me Raven.' Don't make me hurt you."
"I smell something. It smells like....bourgeoisie."
I guess the costume was pretty effective as I had people who had just met me at the party saying things like "So....you were a Goth in high school?" (I wasn't; Goths didn't even exist at my high school. There was one guy who claimed to be a Zen Buddhist and who shaved his eyebrows, but he wasn't really Goth. And one of my friends went through a phase of dressing all in black but she was more a neo-Beatnik than a Goth.).
I was also the only Goth there, which I was pretty proud of. My "best" friend in the group went as NerdGurl - she had a very bad black femullet wig, an ill-fitting red lace dress (with handkercheif tucked in the breast), white anklets, and white shoes. And really huge glasses. There was also a couple who went as what could best be described as "tacky." There was a sort-of Napoleon Dynamite and .... was his date's name Lisa? Aagh. I forget. And the host and hostess were pimped-up guy and ho-dressed woman. But most people dressed more or less normally, or as normally as people in their 30s can be while wearing prom regalia.
I did not stay in character all evening other than to get off a few remarks here and there; it was not the sort of party where one stayed "in character."
Love that outfit! And do I see really long nails also - probably won't work for collecting soil samples but definitely in character.
Yeah, I contemplated looking for some Lee Press-on Nails but considering what I was already spending on cosmetics I don't normally use (all the eye goo and lipstick), I decided against it.
wow, that was good, i would have never recognized you!
rock on!
i had ears on today (i was an elf, and everybody had to do double takes, because they were fairly close to my natural skin color, lol)
sounds like you had a good time at the party, even if it was bourgeoisie, Raven, dahlink.
Wow! Looks great!
You have the perfect expression in the shots. I love the spidery wrap.
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