Friday, October 07, 2005

first of all, from comments - Printmaking! That's genius...I can see the kids getting into that. Either potato prints or using foam meat trays. (I remember when I was in early-years art class, we made "negative prints" using foam meat trays - you can write on them with a pencil and the effect is like carving in a tile-type stamp). Since the youngest is about 5 (by my estimate), I think using real blocks and carving tools (not to mention that I don't have any and would rather not buy them) might be not the best idea. Another thought is gluing items-of-texture onto a background and using them as stamps...

or, I could buy some simple rubber stamps and show the kids how to make devore velvet, with an old iron. Of course, I'd have to handle the iron in some cases, so I don't know.

And yes, I get the OTC catalog. It was my go-to place for Hallowe'en giveaways for several years (I like the idea of giving a small toy of some sort along with the candy). Alas, this year I teach Hallowe'en night and won't be home to hand out goodies. I've not ordered crafts from them because most of the time, the craft-planning has been saying to myself on Sunday - oh, my gosh, I need to have a craft or something for next week. But maybe if I plan ahead better in the future - I have looked at the various things and thought some of them were interesting.

In work related news, two very good things. My research student and I got an abstract submitted yesterday - so he can present at the state science association meetings. And I got word back on my dissertation paper - there are a few changes the journal editor would like to see, but they seem fairly minor. (Maddeningly, he still hasn't given final word, even though the topic-editor said "it would be a nice addition to the journal" so I don't think I can celebrate quite yet).

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