Thursday, October 27, 2005


Finished the first of the Regia 6-ply Crazy gloves. (Most of the fingers were knit while proctoring an exam yesterday).

The first night of leaf raking is over. We only had one person sign up, but that was okay, because she had a million trees in her yard (not literally, but you know what I mean), so it took the whole time to get her yard raked. Most of the kids showed up. We had probably enough rakes - it was harder to get people to bag up the leaf piles which wasn't as much fun; my co-leader and I wound up doing most of that. I did learn that there are two kids I need to keep separated; one claims the other tried to hit him in the head with the rake. (I also think that kid will get the PLASTIC rake next week rather than one of the METAL ones).

The best part of it (besides its being over for a week) is that the women whose yard we did gave considerably more than the "suggested" donation, pointing out (rightly) that it took us a long time and that we cleaned up all the fallen pine needles as well.

1 comment:

Amie said...

You mean NOT everyone's parents played Mozart and Beethoven and musicals around the house????? What on earth do people listen to?