Friday, September 09, 2005

Okay, Lydia pushed me to do it.

Here's the "athlete's foot on the butt" story, as best I can tell it:

I shared an office for a time in grad school with an older guy returning for his Ph.D. Joe was a real character and he had some awesome stories, a few of which I am too much of a lady to repeat (but I was not too much of a lady to be rolling on the floor with laughter when he told them).

Joe had taught high school in the Brownsville area. He had some...I guess "interesting" is the most politically correct term to use....students.

Well, Joe taught biology, and the students used to ask him interesting questions. One day, a guy came up to him and said "Mr. Roberts, is it possible to get athlete's foot on your butt?" Well, Joe thought a minute (I can hear him saying "Well....I thought a minute about that") and then asked the guy: "When you were in sports, did Coach ever tell you to start drying with your towel at the top of your head and work down?" The guy said no. Joe then responded, "Well, I guess it's possible you have athlete's foot on your butt." (I love how he assumed the guy was asking 'cos there was something itching back there, and that the original question was framed as a generality and Joe made it a specific. But then again, I think this was the same student that Joe said asked him if getting hit in the groinal region with a baseball bat could render a fellow unable to have children, and when Joe asked him why he asked, he said that he and his cousin used to do that when they were fighting with each other...)

So far I've had no really jaw-droppingly "The hell...?" questions like that but have had a few that come close. (I can't think of any right now. I've been up since 4:30 this morning and spent two hours before coming here in the church basement cooking, so I'm a little beat right now).

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