in a MARGINALLY better mood now.
a few random things for Thursday:
I think I figured out what I'm going to do with the brilliant-pink Target $1 yarn. I'm going to make a smaller (miniaturized, compared to the original) interpretation of this.
but I am not going to leave it on a mountainside to scare eagles or whatever the hell the original artist's idea was.
I'm enjoying knitting on the Prairie Shawl (when I have time to knit, that is). I like making triangular shawls even though I think rectangular ones work better for me. There's something comforting about working on a piece of knitting that grows in width with each row.
On last weekend's trip to JoAnn's, I bought a bunch of "vintage reproduction" buttons. Don't remember the company but it was one of the typical fabric-store button companies. The buttons are on a sort of pale sepia colored card rather than the standard white and they state what "era" they are from (but button company guys? Surely you have more detailed records than saying "1820-1860 era." I mean, I'm not a costume historian or anything, but that's a pretty broad time span. Maybe not as broad in terms of change as 1920 to 1960 would be, but then again perhaps). But at any rate - they're embossed metal buttons. Four in gold of a beautiful little scene with a mill and trees (the last four they had), and ten in a silver color of some Art Nouveau leaves. I'm going to hold the leaves up to the Bookworm Vest when I get it a bit more done and see if I like them better than the more Art-Deco-ish silver buttons I bought back in Illinois for it.
They also had some painted buttons that were gorgeous but I couldn't justify buying them right then because I didn't know for sure what to use them on. I think the mill-pond ones will go on a (sewn) vest sometime, and the leaf ones will definitely go to close a sweater or a vest.
I also bought - off of the "usual button" rack, a big decorative hook and eye. They will probably go on the green Sitcom Chic that I have the Denim Style in my stash for. (bad sentence, no biscuit. And that sentence would earn a big red "AWK" [for "awkward"] from me had one of my students written it in a paper).
I love buttons but I find it hard to justify buying them "on spec," without a project solidly in mind. (I don't know why that is; I can buy yarn and especially fabric "on spec" and buttons are usually cheaper and more storable).
This weekend is homecoming but I think I'm going to be terribly un-school-spirit-filled and either stay home or come in here and work on research papers. A couple days ago we received an e-mail inviting us to decorate our doors and windows as part of a homecoming contest (and win a basket of "highly coveted" office supplies. Heh. Office supplies as a prize. Guess they never saw the episode of SpongeBob where he thought he was too old to be a "granny's boy" and so wound up getting office supplies - "I didn't wrap them, I knew you wouldn't mind" - as a gift). We also received an email today offering a course on throwing elegant parties. And I look at these things and think, what do they think I am, someone without something to do with her time? I don't know - they press us to serve on committees and teach overloads and write articles, and then they offer up a "decorate your office door" contest? Something's a bit off there.
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