This weekend, I got the back finished and the fronts knit on the Bookworm vest. I also knit in the pocket linings and flaps, and did the three-needle bind off for the shoulders. What remains are the front bands, the neckband, and the arm bands.
I've decided that my next sweater sized project will be Samus. I'm going to use the Elann Highland Wool in my stash; the color is called "Irish Moss."
Seen at Glacia's:

You are 'growing one's own food'.
You are guided by two words: 'Live simply.' You
value quality over quantity in most things, and
you have little use for the materialism and
consumerism of modern culture. You know the
value of hard work and try to be
self-sufficient as much as possible, and what
you do you do well. Unfortunately, no man is
an island, and you cannot do everything
yourself. Your puritanical work ethic makes
makes people think that you are weird, and not
much fun. Your problem is that growing one's
own food has been obsolete for a long time.
What obsolete skill are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
It ISN'T obsolete, either! (I just wish my soil was better and I had more sun in my backyard; the best I've been able to get have been a few wimpy tomatoes).
Also, it's JUST LIKE a slacker to say that someone with a "work ethic" is "not much fun." Pfui.
1 comment:
i took that test a little while ago, and my obsolete skill is speaking french! i do not parlez vous francais! i'm tempted to take the test again.
bookworm looks fantastic. can't wait to see it done. as for the cheap boucle from joanns, i think the crochet dude did some christmas shawls out of the stuff a few months back, you should check it out.
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