Thursday, September 08, 2005

Alexandra: did you move your blog? I'm getting a "forbidden!" message when I click my link.

And...the new Knitty is up! I've not been wild about some of the past issues (but hey, it's free, and I've not been wild about a lot of the past issues of Knitters', which I pay for). There are a couple things I like in here, just with a quick look - the teddy bear (of course), and the cabled cardigan (Samus) (and ooooh, I have some green worsted weight yarn in my stash that I bought without a project in mind beyond "something with cables on it"). And I like the looks of Cinxia but from past experience with doing twisted stockinette I know it would take me forever to finish. And Blackberry, and Josephine...I love cables (both doing them and how they look) so this issue is a winner for me.

and there's even socks (but they're toe-up, with the typical toe-up shortrowed heel, which doesn't fit me well. Too bad.)

And a scarf!

(...makes me think of "And a hotplate!" Fifty bonus points to anyone who can tell me the source of that line, without Googling it)


TChem said...

"Come to Wellesley to meet Harvard men,"

"Or come to Barnard to marry them."

Favorite Simpsons episode ever.

dragon knitter said...

i was actually thinking Monte Hall and Let's Make a Deal, lol. don't recall if a hotplate was a prize or not, just oodles and oodles of rice-a-roni