Tuesday, April 19, 2005

This belongs in the "I'm too sick to want to deal with this" files.

Committee stuff is blowing up in my face. I've been warned that the meeting may get "ugly," that a lot of "political" things have been said, and that we may need an "exit strategy" (I suppose, calling the question?) if things get too mean. (I'm not even opposed, in extremis, to my group getting up and walking out on the meeting. But that would be a scary and extreme step, and one I don't want to have to take.)

Gah. This is going to be like last week's church meeting, I fear. I'm going to have to really make myself the Big Tough Cowgirl for this one. 'Cos it's one thing to cry in front of fellow congregants, it's totally another to cry in front of colleagues.

This sucks. This just flat sucks. It has lapsed into the realm of the political, and the personal, and all that. All the stuff that makes me hate dealing with humans.

And I'm operating on a tiny amount of sleep. Last night, I had the Hobson's choice of either trying to sleep in a semi-sitting-up state and being able to breathe, or trying to sleep in my normal position and having every breathing passage in my body blocked. I went for propping up on pillows but I don't think I slept more than a total of about 3 hours.

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