Here's how far I am on the black moebius scarf thing for my mom:
Yeah, I'm getting sick of knitting on it. I'm coming to dread the rows that have a "p3tog" in them. I'll be glad when it's done. I've already decided to do the shorter, 32" length rather than the more-dramatic 40" length.
And this is the current "simple sock," it's Regia Patch Antik in the color called "Cuba" - rust, taupe, and brown.
And finally, because I felt I couldn't LIVE without starting something new last night, I grabbed the first thing at hand and cast on. This is the new "Missoni" line of Socka (or Fortissima-Socka to be strictly correct. I can't get used to the Stahl company being all merged and stuff; I'm still mourning that. And the Missoni Socka seems rougher and more "rustic" than the original Socka; I hope they're not trying to kill the brand by making it a lower-quality. At any rate, I bought this yarn because I loved the color combination)
I only have two balls of the stuff, and it's a heavier weight than some sockyarn, so I'm just going to make very short-cuffed socks with it - maybe 4" ribbed cuffs rather than the 7" or so I normally do.
Yeah, I know, I could do toe-up socks and know exactly how much I had, but I don't like doing toe-up socks. Just like I don't like knitting small tubes on circular needles, be it a Magic Loop or a two-circulars technique.
In other news, I found out that I am in no way obligated to even respond to the committee-thing. I did, but only very neutrally. And informed them I was NOT allowed to tell them who voted which way. (I'm sorry, but that just creeps me out - how could that information be useful other than to know who you need to lobby, try to bargain with, or even maybe intimidate before the next vote?)
And I'm envious. My mom got a copy of the new KnitPicks catalog with the little sample card in there (enough to knit a little swatch, or, she said, use as embellishment on something). I haven't got one yet. Haven't got any good mail at all for at least a week. The mail is very important to me, and whether or not I get decent mail can affect my mood for the evening. A good day is when I come home and find a magazine, or a good catalog, or, best of all, a real letter from someone I care about who's far away. But lately, I've been getting only bills and junk mail. I even had a couple of days when all I got were flyers from the local "check-cashing establishments"
(all of the "payday advance" and "check-cashing establishments" we have in town make me think of this exchange:
Mr. Burns : By the way, are you familiar with our state's anti-usury laws?
Homer : Us-ury?
Mr. Burns : Oh, silly me! I must have just used a word that doesn't exist. Sign here! )
Anyway, I'd rather get bills even than junk mail - at least bills are an acknowledgement that I, as an actual entity with a name, exists. It's kind of deprssing day after day to get things addressed to "Occupant" or "Our Friend at..." (yea, I got your 'friend' right here...)
So I don't know. I fear my new mail-person (who replaced Glamour Mail Lady with her long auburn hair) is either hoarding the good mail, or is doing a Chicago-style Work Lightening (hide the mail in his basement or under his porch), or something.
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