Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Ran down to drop the quilt off yesterday, got caught in the first big storm of the year. With hail. I sat there in traffic, mentally kicking myself: I have a garage, I bought a house specifically with a garage. And yet, when it's hailing, I'm sitting in traffic on a trip that was really optional on this particular day.

Fortunately, the hail stayed small. But it's not pleasant driving in hard rain and hail.

I'm somewhere between 1/4 and 1/3 done on the Moebius scarf. I've decided to pretty much concentrate on this now in the interest of getting it done before my mom's birthday.

(How you do anything is how you do everything: in other areas of my life, I put off doing things for myself when I feel the pull of responsibility to other people. I know my mom wouldn't mind if I showed her the almost-done scarf and told her she'd get it when it was done. But I feel pushed to finish it. I think one thing I need to work on, counterintuitively, is being more selfish. I think I've given out so much this semester that I'm exhausted and sort of compassion-fatigued.)

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