Thursday, April 14, 2005

I had an interesting experience this afternoon.

I was helping out with the "children's play" the local AAUW chapter helps the college put on for schoolkids. (We take money and usher and hand out programs). As one class from the local elementary was coming in, two of the little boys in my youth group (I think they are about 8 or so) saw me.

And they started jumping up and down (at least as much as they felt they could get away with on their "field trip manners") to get my attention. When I saw them and smiled at them, they said "hi."

All they wanted to do, with all that waving and jumping, was to get my attention so they could say hi to me. They didn't have to. They could have just filed in without acknowledging me, which is what some adults might have done.

And you know, I always said I was uncomfortable around children because they didn't have the same rationality and reasonability of adults, that they don't have the layers of socialization built up. And although it does cut both ways, and sometimes I have to listen to "I don't LIKE this dinner" or "I'm bored with this game, can't we do something else?" there is also irrationality in the direction of good.

And after what happened last night, having them get all excited to just say hi to me broke my heart a little - in a good way, I mean.

Even if certain individuals don't always see the value of the youth program, I will continue it. It's not costing anyone anything, outside of my time. But it's something I need. In the middle of all the stupid stuff going on, to have a couple of eight year old kids tell me "hi" just because they see me somewhere and know who I am, makes a huge difference. So what if they're not bringing money in to the church. They're bringing in a certain amount of love, and simple acceptance of other people, and enthusiasm. And it's sometimes the ONE way I feel like I'm making some kind of a difference in the world; being an adult outside of their family who cares about them and treats them with respect and teaches them about God and a good way to live...

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