Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Nothing much to report today: a few rounds on the cabled sock, a few rows on the knit-purl scarf.

I lost most of yesterday afternoon to a migraine. I was doing okay, I had taken my medicine, I made it through lunch (spaghetti, which I made. We had a candidate for a position in yesterday. Someone pointed out to me the potential sadism of making spaghetti for someone who has yet to give their presentation and is dressed in 'presentation' clothes. Well, suck it up, says I. When I interviewed here they fed me lasagne and I was in the same situation...). Made it through the presentation and through making up a biology homework (which I've not looked too closely at; I hope the tendency-towards-dyslexia that comes with migraines wasn't active with this one). Then I had to bail and go home.

At one point I lay in bed (with the shades all drawn, with all the blankets on me because I was so cold) and contemplated if it could be an aneurysm instead of a migraine, and if I should call the local hospital [and take my chances there] or try to talk someone into driving me to a larger, better equipped hospital. Then I decided I couldn't move anyway, that even turning my head brought on excruciating pain, and the thought of even going to the local hospital was more than I could stand. Then I contemplated being "found," three days after I was killed by an aneurysm, and what comments would make the rounds about how I was dressed (or rather undressed; I alternate being hot and cold with migraines and it's frankly easier to strip down and rely on flinging on or flinging off bedcovers as needed) and the fact that I had a Clifford the Big Red stuffed Dog on my bed.

Fortunately, as you can see, that will not be an issue at this point. Not an aneurysm, just a garden-variety brought-on-by-the-stupid-cold-front migraine.

I did sleep for perhaps an hour and a half, and then spent close to another two hours being too shaky and nauseated to be able to do much more than stare at cartoons on the television.

I hate migraines. (There should be some kind of anti-heart symbol, maybe a little dagger or something, that could be used to indicate "hate" just like a little heart is used to indicate love. I tried inserting the glyphs following Webmonkey's code, but I guess Blogger doesn't do the &-command type of symbols. Sigh.)

1 comment:

Lydia said...

I'm glad that you're feeling better. That sounds awful.

When I was applying to grad school, every place I visited served me food that required chopsticks. This was for Classics programs, and these were a variety of kinds of restaurants,-- a classy Japanese place in a business area, a suburban Chinese restaurant, and a catered reception. I remember trying hard not to make a fool of myself while trying to eat and hold sparkling conversation.