Monday, February 28, 2005

'Member how I brought up the idea of a Project Gift Box to use up some of my stashyarn? Once again, I ran across a whole mess of worsted-weight Muskoka wool I bought on sale (when Hobby Lobby was closing it out) and thought "gee, I should do something with that"

well, here's my something: the Dulaan project.

I've already got a pair of child's socks I knit a long time ago and forgot to send to the CIC project, so they'll be the foundation. I think I'm going to set up to make some mittens and neckgaiters to send along, too. Patterns are linked here

Yeah, I know, I need more projects approximately as much as I need a hole in my head, but I've got 'til July to send these in. And somewhere I read someone reporting that it had been scoffed that this project would fail because not enough people would send stuff in. And that makes my "oh yeah? watch me!" personality tendency kick in. And a lot of the projects are small and - ooh, I just remembered that lone skein of Kureyon I have no plans for! Hat time! - anyway, a lot of them are simple, so they can be read-n-knit projects for me.

and it makes me feel good to think that somewhere, there's a kid who will be a little warmer because of something I did.

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