Saturday, April 17, 2004

As promised, photobloggage for the week:

Why yes, my guest bedroom does smell like a wet alpaca


I finally decided to block the vest. It's hard to block something that's body-shaped, in the absence of a dress form. I may eventually break down and buy a padded dress form.

This is my standard blocking - pin it out, then spray with warm water. I consider the sheets it's on to be fairly expendable.

The Kat Shawl, or I'm not a bad photographer, lace is just hard to photograph


Detail of the shawl, with yoga mat


This is just part of the shawl - it's the center, and it's not quite finished yet. The borders will add about 9" on each side, unblocked.

And finally:

Rockin' sock, or That 70s Sock


The heel flap is about 1/3 to 1/2 done in this shot. I'm using eye-of-partridge with a garter stitch edging.

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