Saturday, February 28, 2004

Yeah, I'm going. The stores don't open till 10, and it's an hour's drive, so I've got a little time to mess with things here in my office and feel like I've put in some useful work.

Wrote the ecology exam last night (well, a draft of it, anyway), and I'm writing the lab right now. I can take the grading home and do it this evening, maybe also type up the exam and consider if some of the questions need tweaking.

I don't deal well with being overtired. I don't deal well with having my delicate internal chemical balance screwed with by the heavy duty ammoniacal antimicrobial things that are used in most public buildings. I have a leaky old house that probably doesn't meet the hygiene standards of most hotels, and I am happy and healthy in it. I go to a hotel for one day, and I flip out and my sinuses plug up.

I just hope that doesn't mean that in ten years, I will be one of those people forced to live in the Arizona desert and hang their mail on a clothesline for a day to wash out all the synthetic chemical pollutants before they can read it.

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