Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Well, I'm three for three.

but not in a good way.

the third manuscript I sent in this summer got rejected. I got the e-mail this morning.

I'm trying not to let this devolve into an "I suck" pity-party, but I catch myself wondering if I will ever have a paper published again.

I think what gets me so much about these is that they came while I am working on the tenure packet - where my life, my personal complexity, has to be distilled down to an average score on student evaluations, a number of grants received, a number of dollars of overhead monies brought in, and a number of publications. And I feel like it doesn't capture anything important about me, but if it's what other people think is important, then I don't have much of a chance in this world, because I'm not as good a teacher as some, or as good a researcher as some, or as successful at grants as some.


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