Tuesday, September 16, 2003

the new Knitty is up.

This one seems to have more "classic" designs in it (i.e. stuff us plumpish over-30 types in somewhat-conservative professions can wear). I really like the peacoat ("Saity") and the "Accordion" sweaterjacket (that green is pretty...). I also am pleased to see a "historical" pattern there, specifically the Lou Hoover baby blanket.

Lou Hoover - yes, the former First Lady. Also an early woman scientist - her major was Geology (and Latin), and along with her husband (trained in engineering, as I remember), she translated the famous work of geology De Re Metallica from the Latin.

I know this because my dad's a geologist, he had a copy of De Re Metallica sitting on a bookshelf in his home-office for years. One day, after learning the presidents in gradeschool, I was sitting in his office and I saw the book, and said "that guy has the same name as one of the presidents!" and he said "It's the same man."

I thought that was cool, even as a proto-science-nerd, that there was a president (granted, one who wasn't very popular by the end of his term) who was a scientist.

(hee, now I wonder if people doing searches for "Metallica" will wind up getting this blog as one of their hits)

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