Monday, September 29, 2003

1. I have passed the row of six pawprints on the Kilimanjaro Kat shawl.

2. Yesterday, I weeded the entire garden area (not a small task) and planted 18 stock (Matthiola, I'm not sure of the species), 18 snapdragons, 30 dianthus, a dozen dusty millers, some fall petunias, and six of a low creeping white-flowered mustard whose name I forget...Yes, I am sore today.

3. I am closing in on having my tenure packet done! At this point, it's down to gathering the stuff and putting it in order. It will be such a huge. giant. relief. to get this done and in. (For the record, I have had a fourth tenured member of my department tell me I have "nothing to worry about" re: getting tenure, so I'm trying hard not to be worried). It's due Oct. 15 but I want to, in true overachiever form, have it done and in at least a week ahead of that date.

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