Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Started on the I-cord bindoff for the Trinity Stitch Shawl last night. It's not hard, once you get going on it, and it makes a nice stable edge - it's a good bindoff for things like the top edge of a shawl.

But wow, is it timeconsuming. I'm less than 1/3 through after perhaps an hour and fifteen minutes of work.

Still having mouse problems. Set a snap-trap in the kitchen and found it snapped, empty, and in the middle of the floor this morning. Dear God, I hope it's not a *rat*. (I still can't figure out where it's coming in - I plugged the one likely portal with steel wool). If it is, I blame my lousy neighbors and their habit of leaving McDonald's wrappers and pop cans and other trash out in their yard entirely - never had so much as a mouse before they moved in.

I dreamed early this morning that I got up and found a rat, partially trapped in a snap trap, leaping around my dining room. I pinned it down with an umbrella and then sat there, thinking "Ok, what do I do now?" Then I woke up.

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