Friday, August 15, 2003

Picked away at various projects last night - quilted most of a square on the quilt, knitted a few rows on the "dream scarf", finished the gusset decreases on the Whitby socks.

This, all while watching (with admitted schadenfreude) the progress of the blackouts on the television.

At first, I was freaked out - I turned on the television, and saw New Yorkers slowly streaming home, on foot, and I was reminded of a day not quite two years ago, and shuddered. Once the word came that it was "just" a power shutdown it ceased to be worrysome.

I hope everyone in those parts of the country that blacked out stayed as safe as possible. I am sure there will be some deaths related to this, and some injuries. So far I've not heard of looting, and it seems that the possibility of water shortages are the worst thing for some of the shut-down areas.

Still, I feel for the people who may have no electricity all weekend. I hope they have friends or family out of the affected area that they can go and "crash" with.

I wonder if my aunt and uncle who live in the Ann Arbor area have power.

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