Thursday, August 21, 2003

Finally, some knitting time!

I'm up to about 15" on the back of the Circus hooded pullover now. It's NOT "autopilot" knitting, even though it's just reverse stockinette, because the Circus is rather splitty and "catchy". So I can't read while I knit on that.

I also got a bunch more rows done on the "cheap-skate celebrity-designer knock-off scarf" I posted about on Sunday.

I've also been doing some stash digging (which is what helped prompt the scarf) - because of the problem with being overpaid and then having to have that money go back, and also the fact that I paid my homeowner's insurance a couple weeks ago and the insurance company jacks up my homeowner's insurance cost every year (while at the same time dropping two or three things I used to be covered for), I've decided to try retrenching for a while and not buying yarn for perhaps a month.

besides, I have that huge stash to start working down on. I'm digging around and finding stuff I knew I had, but which finally looks appealing to knit up.

Next on the agenda is the one-ball "teddy bear" (which actually looks more like a rabbit or a Piglet in the pictures on the instruction book) from Noro Kureyon. (As the Kureyon I have is predominantly pink, my critter will probably be a Piglet, or at least one of his friends or relations). I'm also contemplating how to use the Kool Wool in charcoal and cream to make a simple striped hat.

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