Monday, July 07, 2003

Average predicted temperatures for next week:

where I am now: 94*-96*
where I will be come Wednesday: 84*-86*, with a possible day or two in the 70s

I love it when it works out like that. (and yes, ten degrees DOES make a difference when it's that hot).

Cleaned the house extensively yesterday and weeded most of the garden in preparation for my vacation. Made arrangements with two of the three groups of people who will be watching my house. Knit some on Sitcom Chic and some on the Regia socks.

I also have the dress finished to the point where the hem and buttonholes are the next step - this is how far I planned to get on it.

Now I just have to wait out today and most of tomorrow, and pack.

I'll be back at the end of the month.

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