Saturday, June 14, 2003

OK, so I'm reading through some recent articles on prairie restoration for this proposal. And I'm reading through one on different ways of assessing restoration success. Then I see a citation and think: gee, that's the same name as my last name. Then I realized: it IS my last name.

< high pitched girly squeal> They cited the paper I wrote from my Master's Thesis!!!!! < /high pitched girly squeal >

damn. I really needed that this afternoon. Now I'm all smiles.

Oh, and it's time for an HFOB update...(this is Sunday, now, but I want to keep my little bit of self-aggrandizement there at the top for a bit...)

the residents of the HFOB have not mowed their lawn for three weeks. It is particularly obvious today, as I mowed my lawn yesterday afternoon and my lawn is all nice and neat. There is a lawnmower (a machine, not a person) sitting in the middle of their yard, but no one has touched it all day.

this same lawnmower showed up for a while last week for a while and nothing happened then either.

Um, realize you actually need to turn the thing on and push it around the yard for it to mow, right?

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