Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Ok, I think I've got a nicer list of "people I read" up there now. These are the blogs I visit on a regular basis (like daily). There are a lotta others that I visit from time to time, or that update less often, and there are lots of places to see the "all the knitting blogs" list
(A good one is Bagatelle's links).

Incidentally, if you are a knitting biologist/scientist/doctor and you read my blog, and you'd like me to add you to the list of knitting scientists, please email me your URL.

What blogs a person reads or links is a very personal thing, I guess. I hope no one is hurt because I left them off. It's just that these are the ones that grab my attention, these are the ones who write about their projects in a compelling way or allow the "human" side of their life to enter the blog. Of course I am inherently interested in people who do things for their career similar to what I do (and if you don't read the At the Still Point of the Turning World blog, may I recommend it - Theresa writes quite movingly sometimes).

I know most blogs are more "graphics enabled" than mine. That may change sometime - first, I have to get a new home computer (my old one, with all my dissertation data saved on it, all my millions and millions of GIS diagram attempts) is soon going to lose its screen (the little bulb in it is burning out) and so I have sworn to preserve that computer for working with dissertation data only. Also, on my "to buy sometime soon" list IS a digital camera (suggestions of good brands would be welcome). Then I will update to one of the "advanced" blogspots that allows image hosting, so I can actually show pictures here.

But really, for me, it's all about the writing. It's the well-written blogs, the ones where I can get a sense of what's going on with the person's life from what they 'say', that I keep coming back to. Pretty pictures are very nice, but for me, it's the words that keep me revisiting. So the blogs on my list are the ones that make me smile, or laugh, or feel a sense of wonder or comradeship with the person writing.

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