Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Picked away at different things last night - a few more rows of stitching on the quilt, a few rounds on the Huron Mountain socks, and a few rows on the Lightning Bolt family sweater.

I figured this was a good time for a roll-call of the WIPs (at least those I remember having kicking around):

there are the Huron Mountain socks, maybe 10% done
there are the green Opal socks, about 75% done
there is the Lightning Bolt Family sweater, of auburn colored Emu DK - not much done, I'm not even up to the armholes on the back (now I remember why I don't like doing sweaters in DK or finer wool).
there is the quilt currently in the frame - the pattern is called "Chimney Sweep" and it is made out of the RJR "Folk Art" (in other words, bright primary colors - think 1970s calico like the Hollie Hobby dolls and you've pretty much got it)
there is the Trinity Stitch Shawl, which I haven't looked at lately
there are the Zig Zag colorwork socks from Vogue Socks 1, stalled with the occasional row done since Dec. 2000
there is (somewhere) a hat being crocheted out of the apparently-now-discontinued Woolspun from Lion Brand
I also have two quilt tops done but not marked - one is my "Provence" quilt in the "Crossroads to Jericho" pattern, the other is a quilt incorporating Japanese-style fabric which I will eventually quilt with Sashiko designs.

and I have an "inherited" stole I just need to put together - when a friend of my mom's best friend passed away, she left a bunch of unfinished knitting projects (including some gorgeous sweaters that just need putting together, and my mom is the same size as she was). There was an angora stole in a light brown in there and my mom passed it on to me because she doesn't wear brown much.

It's When I saw the instructions and photo, I exclaimed "It's a stole with udders!"
yes, it is meant to have 'udders' - I think they are supposed to mimic the tails that would be on one of those nasty little stone-marten boas that were so popular in the 20s and 30s. The stole is all knitted - all I have to do is sew up the "udders" (they were knitted flat and have to be sewn into tubes) and attach the "udder" portions.

I know, I could leave them off. But since E. went to the trouble to knit them, I think I will put them on.* At any rate, the stole is a bit small on me - E. was small and thin with narrow shoulders, and I'm robust. But I think the shawl will work as a "put over my shoulders while I read" sort of thing.

* besides, then I will be the only woman on my block who has a shawl with udders...

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