Sunday, January 12, 2003

I'm making some progress on the quilt, which is comforting. The "I will work for 10 minutes each day" discipline works well - one of the problems I think I was having was that I fooled myself into thinking "I can only work on it when I have a big block of time". Slow and steady wins the race. My fingers are healing up from the accident with the glazier's points, too.

And did you know - Blackberry Ridge now has online ordering! This is the home of the "bug" socks, and the lovely Southwestern Sock collection, and also some great shawls...I haven't ordered online from them yet but I probably will in the future. I do have one pair of the Southwestern socks I made, called Desert Flowers. You can see a picture here, they are number 6. They are purple with pink and green...very pretty, and less annoying to do than most colorwork because they're done in sportweight yarns.

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