Thursday, January 09, 2003

I started the Huron Mountain socks from "Knitting on the Road" (these are the ones that are patterned to match the patterning on a loon). I'm using Lorna's Laces in Charcoal and Natural rather than the Wildfoote recommended.

dang, I love Lorna's Laces sockyarn. It is so soft, it feels so good going through my fingers.

otherwise, I'm going through a "tired stretch." This happens to me sometimes when there's a lot of stuff swirling around me - and it seems now that a lot of people and their personal stuff are caught up in a dust-devil of sorts that swirls around me, and doesn't directly involve me, but is there in my mind, sapping my attention. I find myself starting to read lots of different books - that's a sure sign of stress for me, if I keep pulling books off the shelves and starting to read them, I guess in the frantic hope that I'll find one that either has the answer to my frustrations or is engaging enough to take my mind off the junk I'm seeing around me.

it's one of those things that just has to be ridden out.

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